Se hallaba un hombre bueno ocupado en juzgar y criticar los defectos de otros, creyendo estar en posesión de la verdad, ya que todo cuanto el decía era cierto.
Mas conforme avanzaba en sus críticas, fue perdiendo el control de si mismo, pasando a ser poseído por la ira y el desamor.
Desconcertado por tal situación, fue a preguntar del porque le ocurría esto a un viejo y sabio monje.
A lo que el anciano contestó.
Solamente aquellos que sean puros de corazón y estén libres de crítica podrán juzgar, mas es bien cierto que estos jamás lo harán, ya que en sus corazones solo hay lugar para el amor y la bondad, no sin ello sin dejar de ser justos.
El corazón es como un recipiente donde se alberga el liquido puro y transparente del Amor, si este es mezclado con el líquido oscuro de la crítica, el corazón se enturbiará y los bueno deseos del líquido transparente, serán absorbidos por el oscuro líquido del desamor.
Conserva hijo mío tu corazón trasnparente y el Amor que refleje de el, hará que tu vida sea un remanso de paz sin fin.
It was a good man occupied in judging and criticizing the shortcomings of others, believe to be in possession of the truth, because all it said was the truth.
But according progressed in their criticism, he was losing control of himself, becoming possessed by anger and disaffection.
Puzzled by this situation, was to ask him why this happened to an old and wise monk.
To which the man replied.
Only those who are pure in heart and be free of criticism may try, but it is true that these never will, because in their hearts there is only room for love and kindness, not without it while still being fair.
The heart is like a container which houses the pure and transparent liquid of Love, if this is mixed with the liquid of dark criticism, the heart becomes cloudy and good wishes of the clear liquid will be absorbed by the dark liquid of disaffection.
It preserves my son trasnparente your heart and the love that reflects the will that your life is a haven of peace without end.
But according progressed in their criticism, he was losing control of himself, becoming possessed by anger and disaffection.
Puzzled by this situation, was to ask him why this happened to an old and wise monk.
To which the man replied.
Only those who are pure in heart and be free of criticism may try, but it is true that these never will, because in their hearts there is only room for love and kindness, not without it while still being fair.
The heart is like a container which houses the pure and transparent liquid of Love, if this is mixed with the liquid of dark criticism, the heart becomes cloudy and good wishes of the clear liquid will be absorbed by the dark liquid of disaffection.
It preserves my son trasnparente your heart and the love that reflects the will that your life is a haven of peace without end.
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